8F Design Studio
8F DESIGN STUDIO 八樓設計於二〇一五年成立,為一間設計整合服務之工作室,服務包含:品牌整合設計、網站設計、數位內容、社群經營、藝術指導及教學。我們希望透過跨領域的資源整合,帶領客戶定義問題,提出有效的解決方案,保持永續且成長的節奏,為客戶提升價值,實踐你我的想像。
8F DESIGN STUDIO was established in 2015. It is a design integration service studio. The services include: brand integration design, website design, digital content, community management, art guidance and teaching. We hope that through cross-domain resource integration, we can lead customers to define problems, propose effective solutions, maintain a sustainable and growing pace, enhance value for customers, and practice your imagination.

Branding   Y 2015     AD Chiu Yi Sheng   D Chiu Yi Sheng   PH Chiu Yi Sheng  C 8F design studio 

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