
Gain strength with each successive project.
Build on every experience that comes across your path.

Prime Link Financial – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Hersen – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Read Group – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Wisdom – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Life Passion – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Songlin – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
COA – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Hola B&B – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Wei He Auditorium – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Wu Ming Shih – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Waiting for A Pot of Honey – Package Design Project
Three Generation Academy – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Education Foundation – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Ice Pane Bakery – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
Casa Hands – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
San Interior Design – Business Card Design
8F Design Studio – Business Card Design